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References Tian X, et al, 2021
Notes Readme Animal information
ex-vivo data (V1 and V2)
150um dMRI 80um dMRI 64um dMRI 50um sMRI
Methods Detailed Info Detailed Info Detailed Info Detailed Info
Download DTI-Fitted DTI-Fitted DTI-Fitted Download
Preprocessed DWI Preprocessed DWI Preprocessed DWI N.A.
Raw DWI Raw DWI Raw DWI N.A.
Atlases Produced Atlas V1 Atlas V2 N.A. Atlas V2
References Liu C, et al, 2018 Liu C, et al, 2020 Liu C, et al, 2020 Liu C, et al, 2020
Brain Coverage Whole brain Whole brain Half brain (right) Whole brain
Scanning Duration 6.25 days 15 days 11.3 days N.A.
Sequence 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI N.A.
Sequence 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI 3D diffusion-weighted multi-shot spin-echo EPI N.A.
Acquisition Resolution 150 micron isotropic 80 micron isotropic 64 micron isotropic 50 micron isotropic
DWI Directions 396 DWI in total:
6 DWI with b=0,
126 DWI with b=2400,
6 DWI with b=0,
126 DWI with b=4800,
6 DWI with b=0,
126 DWI with b=7200.
204 DWI in total:
8 DWI with b=0,
6 DWI with b=30*,
64 DWI with b=2400,
126 DWI with b=4800.
191 DWI in total:
126 DWI with b=4800.
64 DWI with b=2400,
1 DWI with b=0 *
TR 450 ms 200 ms 160 ms N.A.
TE 34 ms 29 ms 23 ms N.A.
Number of segments (shots) 12 88 51 N.A.
Number of average 2 for b7200 and 1 for others 1 3 N.A.
MR fields 7T Bruker 7T Bruker 14T Bruker 7T Bruker
Gradients 450 mT/m, 100 us 450 mT/m, 100 us 1500mT/m 450 mT/m, 100 us
RF Coils Bruker 35mm Linear 30 mm millipede quadratic
(designed for Marmoset Brain)
20mm linear millipede coil N.A.
Contrast agents with gadolinium with gadolinium with gadolinium with gadolinium
Other Images MTR (T1-like) and T2 MTR (T1-like) and T2&T2* N.A. N.A.