Marmoset Brain Mapping Project
Since 2016
The Marmoset Brain Mapping Project was launched in Nov. 2016, aiming at building comprehensive marmoset brain atlases and tools to facilitate neuroimaging and translational studies.
With supports and helps from multiple labs and teams, including
- Cirong Liu's lab (ION/CAS): Xiaojia Zhu, Fufui Feng
- Afonso Silva's lab (NINDS/NIH): Afonso Silva, John Newman, Cecil Yen, Diego Szczupak, and Xiaoguang Tian;
- David Leopold's lab (NIMH/NIH): David Leopold, and Frank Ye;
- @MarmosetBrainConnectityAtlas: Marcello Rosa, and Piotr Majka;
- AFNI (NIMH/NIH): Daniel Glen;
- Zhifeng Liang's lab and CEBSIT MRI Facility (ION/CAS);
- Gustavo Deco's lab (UPF): Gustavo Deco and Yonatan Sanz Perl
We are making significant progress during these years, not only in developing atlases for mapping the marmoset brain, but also in pushing the resolution limit of non-human primate MRI.
These efforts resulted in useful atlases and tools for the marmoset research and valuable MRI data that can be of interests to researchers who are in the MRI research field.
Via this website, we would like to share all of our fruits, including raw data, to the research community.
Our "effort-tree" is still growing, and we hope the current and future fruits will promote open-science and contribute to neuroscience research of marmosets.
Cirong Liu
Principal Investigator
Lab of Translational Brain Imaging
Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences